In this Big Brother type of world, there is no greater truth than “If it bleeds, it leads”.

The problem is, in politics, the media, including Fox, show us a huge lack of respect.


In this 24 hour a day, 7 days a week newscast world, there is more than enough time to give candidates time to allow them to educate the public on their stances on the top 10 polled concerns of voters. What we get in this reality based show type of world is the absolute disrespect that CNBC showed the voters – or YOU.

I couldn’t have agreed with the candidates on the stage more. What a load of horse dung.

Yet even Fox News doesn’t press candidates on actual plans. They still ask each candidate about Trump instead of the plans to solve the economy, taxes, crime, ISIS and so on. They don’t get any kind of depth – they get catchy little soundbites that they can use to get their “clicks” up.

I am getting ready to do an article on the poisoning of the world by the media and Hollywood. How they have done more and more to keep beating the drums of the things the left believes and keeping people stupid and ignorant, which is not the same thing. Stay tuned for that.

If you want to do something to re-introduce the media to accountability and having respect for the people who view their commercials, share this article and demand the people out there in the media actually use their time to help the electorate elect someone who will be good for this country. If they believe in Bernie or Hillary, ask and force answers to pertinent questions. If you have faith in the ideas that the left espouses, why are you afraid to ask and show the answers of both sides? Why tilt it? Why skew it? Don’t you have faith in the American electorate to see the truth?

The answer is – they think you are too stupid to see it and vote the way THEY think you should.

Wait – I have an idea.

Don’t we have a group of television networks that are funded by the taxpayers?

PBS and CSPAN 1,2,3?

Why don’t we set aside 15 minutes per candidate per issue. Make the rules that you can only discuss your OWN plans for the particular issue being discussed. No slamming or cutting other candidates. Re-run those at different times. Let people hear what each candidate says about the 10 largest concerns in the polls. If the polls change as time goes along, let there be more segments.

We pay for the time. Demand they pay us back by allowing us to see what the candidate stands for without needs for ratings or commercials. If the mainstream stress doesn’t want or feel the need to actually be professional and help the people who pay their salaries be more successful by having a better government, then let’s get the people we pay through taxes do the interviews.

Let the candidates provide graphics produced by the networks above. No one has an advantage. They all get the same questions with the exact same wording. Let the people be educated. Why do the media have something to hide? Why don’t they respect you enough to stop the cutthroat, reality tv based political coverage?

Share this article – and write your media and ask them some of the questions I ask.

If you don’t take action, all you’re doing is “doing the same thing but expecting a different result”.

You do know what the definition of that is, don’t you?


So Why Don’t You?

Posted: October 26, 2015 in Uncategorized

The question keeps coming up about why the wealthiest of Americans don’t pay more.

The statement often made by some of the wealthiest of Americans goes something like this:

“I wouldn’t and I’m sure most wealthy Americans wouldn’t object to paying more to help the country”

To the Buffett’s and Gate’s and Soroses out there – I would like to ask you this:

Why don’t you pay more?

You can you know. You can go to and type in a dollar amount and pay.

Do it instead of talking about it.

Why do you have scads of tax attorney’s on retainer to make sure you pay the least possible?
Why do you fight tax bills? (This is in particular for Mr. Buffett – the man fighting to make sure his business doesn’t have to pay that whopping tax bill)
Why do you have international companies taking profits while your home country company is taking losses to make sure your tax bill is effectively zero?

The answer is simple – you don’t want to pay more in taxes any more than we do. You folks who get online and mouth words that are an anathema to your behavior makes you sound very insincere.

Pretty soon, if the left has it’s way, the wealth in this country will mostly run through Washington, D.C. – making sure that the growth and the money being paid in massive salaries (can you say 1%ers?) stays in D.C.

Bernie Sanders is after a massive tax increase on the companies and people who are creating the jobs – making sure that the people will have to keep putting their hands out for the scraps the government hands out and the salaries of the unions in D.C. keep going up. The power that D.C. already has in your life will continue to grow as they center the wealth in their hands. The more you depend on them, the more they own you. The more you have to ask them for something, the more power you hand to a small, select group of people.

The question you need to ask yourself – do you have so little respect for yourself?

Do you have so much respect for the people who are “running” this country that you’d like to hand them more and more influence in the way you run your life?

If so – vote for the Clinton’s and Sanderses in life.

There is a reason people are fleeing from the northeast to the south – they have voted in so much in the way of government control and taxes that they can’t pay for it. The question is, have they learned enough to not do it to us in the south?

My neighbor is from Jersey – he fled a 10,000.00 a year personal property tax. I pay a little over 400.00. I wonder if he figured it out?

I wonder if anyone else will?

ben_carsonMany people have been shocked at Ben Carson’s rise in the polls, others have been falling all over themselves trying desperately to define the meteoric rise behind Donald Trump.

I wasn’t caught off guard.


Because I understand the anger that is driving this movement.

Fiorina and Cruz are also riding this anger.

What is the anger that I’m talking about?

There are millions upon millions of people who are starting to wake up to the fact that politics is not only important, but that it can really affect their everyday lives.

They are seeing the difference between the left and the right – Bush to Obama.

They are seeing the 6 years of almost 4.5% growth in the economy after the Clinton recession for Bush. 6 years of lackluster economic growth after the 2008 recession that was caused by the NINJA loans that Clinton put into place that caused the eventual undermining of a very strong economy as the people who didn’t have jobs or income couldn’t pay for the homes they bought under loans that were extremely dangerous. The loans that caused the crash that are being reinstated by the Obama Presidency.

Lizza-Hillary-Clinton-1200The person who did something illegal, who is being investigated by the FBI, the person who has shills out to spin the media and who has changed her story so many times in the last 6 months so as to make you need a scorecard to follow the changes. If your kid or an employee of yours told you than many different things over one incident, you’d never believe them. But you don’t respect yourself enough to not vote for them.

This person is so arrogant as to not realize that there are people she is making extremely angry with her aloofness and then false apologies because her poll numbers are tanking versus a person with extreme leftist views that have failed in EVERY country they’ve been tried in.

The problem is that there are people out there who would rather vote for a team, a race, a sex or a single issue than to realize that a less interventionist government that gets out of the way of business is better for the economy than the government who wants their hands in everyone’s pies.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 28:  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) addresses a rally in support of Social Security in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill March 28, 2011 in Washington, DC. Sanders and four other Democratic senators, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), said the Republicans' entitlement reform plan will "dismantle Social Security, delay distribution of benefits to seniors."  (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Bernie Sanders

The political class out there, the people who feel that they know better how to run your lives than you do, are reeling in the face of a Trump, Carson, Cruz or Fiorina message. The message is this – government doesn’t create jobs, create wealth or really help people in need all that much.

Yes, it’s help if you consider 700.00 in money every month – barely enough to skimp by on. Yes, it’s help if you see someone who lives in miserable poverty barely being able to purchase food or gasoline. Yes, it’s help if you see people who can’t barely put diapers on their kids.

Having sat outside the social services department and watching miserable people with worry etched on their face leave the offices with their “help”.

It makes me angry.

You have people gaming the system. The mother who is disabled who has 6 children that she manages to get some person at social services to declare disabled. The mother who gets angry because her 6200.00 in services won’t be increased because she can’t get her 6 month old new child declared disabled. The mother who screams at the social worker who makes 18,000 a year and declares that she doesn’t know how she’ll get by.

You have people actually not only taking from the wallets of the people who actually earn their money working 40-90 hours a week, you have people who are stealing from the truly needy by stealing needed resources from those who need the money that is being paid out to those who ARE gaming the system.

You have people who live in major urban areas who work and sag under the burden that the political class place on them to “help” people who could, if motivated, help themselves.

You have people who continue to be bought with largess from politicians who have votes in mind and only care about how many people they can sway with free money rather than caring that their policies really keep people down enough that they would enslave themselves to the person voting for that free money.

You have people who don’t have enough self respect to realize that they are not only selling their souls for government benefits that keep them on the edge of desperation, but politicians that are giving that bare minimum of money to keep them on the edge of destruction financially.

I wonder how many people out there who are so grateful that they are receiving help know that the people “helping” them are only looking at them as a demographic.

The part that makes me mad is that the self same people – Hollywood, athletes, professors, union leaders and politicians who make tons of money because they know results of bills and can invest in things based on the effects that will happen based upon what they are doing with regulations and laws – are ranting about people who make money.

They attack people and sectors of business because of personal prejudices. They don’t like something – they make up a “bad name” for that particular sector. They engage in politics of destruction. They spew hate and encourage people to hate the people who really create jobs. They vomit inaccuracies and make people view the folks who are actually work as the “rich, greedy, mean”.

Big Pharma, Big Oil, The Military Industrial Complex, Insurance.

You know what’s funny? Three out of four of those sectors actually make, as a percentage of sales, less money per dollar than most other sectors in business.


That’s 6 cents on every dollar as profit.

Pharmaceuticals, Insurance and Oil are, by percentage, some of the least profitable versus costs of doing business than most other sectors of business.

But let’s not even look at that. Do some research on your own and find out how many PEOPLE make up those “big, bad, mean business sectors”. Do some research and find out that while a company might “make” 6 billion dollars, they might NET 350 million dollars.

Do some work on your own – look at the fact that people are lying to you. People who want to divide this great country. People who want power. POWER. That is why they don’t respect you enough to tell you the truth. Why?

Because the truth won’t support their beliefs. The truth won’t support the way they do business – buying people with “free money” stolen from their constituents to support people, BARELY.

The truth – take a look at how long the left has MISERABLY failed in major metropolitan areas. The poverty, filth, crime and misery in almost every single major population center in this country. Where is their care for the people who are ground under their feet because the help that we can provide is spread so thinly due to spending money so badly? Who has been in charge, politically, for almost a solid 60-80 years in some of the most miserable ghettos? Some of the worst and filthiest barrios? Why would you continue to support them who have failed so badly for decades?

Where is the self respect to try something different in order to move in a better direction?

Where is the self respect to not just vote for someone because of skin color, religion, or where they come from?

Why is it that someone who is successful in life in creating jobs or helping people are attacked by the people who keep you just barely above water? Why is the politics of destruction something you embrace?

IMG_5863I understand the anger when I see fellow human beings being sucked in and harmed when they think they’re being helped. I understand the anger when I see lies being promulgated when real leaders try to fix problems with things from military spending to social security. I understand the anger when I see people coming across the border who just want our money, but want to have the same government or society they have fled because, um, the jobs and money aren’t where they just left.

I understand the anger when I see people shot down because they wear a uniform. I understand the anger when I hear people say “don’t judge us by the thugs in our midst” but they are willing to go and judge police by the same discrimination that they don’t want applied to them. I understand the anger when the leaders of this country won’t have the courage to come out and really speak to the racial divide by letting the people who are so angry about the “HUGE” problem that there isn’t a problem of that magnitude – that’s it’s just bad apples tainting the record of so many who put their lives on the line to protect anyone.

I understand the anger – the message from the political class in this country is so skewed, confused and seemingly rudderless that the electorate are gravitating to people who have accomplished something and are standing up to speak for the people like myself who don’t like the last 28 years of milquetoast leadership. We’re tired of people lying to us just to get a vote.

Executive Producer and Host of NBC Network's "The Celebrity Apprentice," Donald Trump poses for a portrait, on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Dan Hallman/Invision/AP)

We want leaders who’ll dish out the bad medicine to fix the disease. We want people who will man or woman up and tell us that things are screwed up, but we can make it great again. We want people who won’t just dance around questions and give us political answers. We want people who have made a career of dissecting problems and fixing them. We want people with a track record of knowing the right people to implement solutions and do so.

We want people to bring us back to greatness again.

Why are they so surprised that millions are peeling back the government imposed blindfolds and gravitating to people who would lead us back to greatness?

Because they’ve bought their own hype, lies and think they are the only people who know well enough to fix things, even though they haven’t for decades.

Listen to the people talking about this over the weekend shows and laugh because the people who are truly out of touch are the ones who think they are “in the know”.


Are we expecting Freddy to rise from these ashes? What good did this do anyone?

Ok, so I just said what many in this country would like you to think.

All Lives Matter is racist.

Let’s get this straight – if you believe in a higher being from God to Buddha, All Lives Matter is the only way that one can approach life.

The problem I have been seeing is that there is a racist movement growing in America. This movement closely mirrors any other “we are more important than they are because of _______”. It mirrors Nazis against Jews, KKK versus Black Americans, or any other superiority movement.

All human beings are created equal. This is a certainty. The question is how do people go about asserting this?

Right now, it’s not the KKK marching in their sheets, being too cowardly to show their faces to the people they are attempting to terrorize. This is the #BlackLivesMatter movement who are attempting to hijack political movements by terrorizing the candidates. Have you seen the absolute lack of respect these folks are showing people who are attempting to dialogue with them? I’m a conservative – and I have to laugh at the people who are screaming down the folks who would be their greatest allies. Have you seen the absolute non-constructive actions they are taking? They grab mics, storm stages, hijack rallies and when the people try to communicate with them, they scream them down.

They use rhetoric, slogans, volume and anger to do what? Accomplish nothing.

Should we have a dialogue? Absolutely. There should be dialogue when a child is shot 10 seconds after a police car pulls up. The video there disturbs me, as it should anyone. There should be dialogue when someone dies in custody. Anyone dies in custody.

But telling me that #BlackLivesMatter, which 95% of America believes, but that white or other lives don’t matter and saying they do makes you a target for punishment, is ridiculous. The slogans I’m hearing, especially the people speaking of killing, frying or doing other damage to police officers or, well, YOU if you disagree are chillingly familiar. Anyone who knows history has heard speeches from others who would engender violence, revolution, destruction of others based on color. That’s right – speech that calls for death or pain or destruction to others in your country due to color is hate speech. Some of what I have heard from speakers strays remarkably close to the hate that spewed forth from historical figures that killed millions. Charisma with a lust for power that is being used to manipulate a situation in order to herd sheeple into flocks that follow them for their own ego swelling – doesn’t that sound familiar?

The thing I fear is that the muckrakers on either side would actually get a visceral thrill over spurring on violence, and the larger the scale, the better.

Nothing would get the little potential tin-horn dictators more excited than to see blood all over the streets. Nothing would make their hearts beat better than building such a large and violent following that they would kill and be killed for them. What a rush. Listen to the speeches from some of the more relevant leaders on both sides of the racist coin. Listen to speeches from people like Hitler or KKK leaders, and then listen to some of the people trying to get thousands to march and kill in their name. There are people who would love to have people willing to die for THEIR cause, even if it’s manufactured. This has happened so much in history – it’s no wonder that some people don’t want folks to learn about history. They are hoping that the sheeple are willing to repeat history and throw themselves on bayonets so that the leader himself can walk on their backs to safely assume some dictatorial role.

Have you really been listening to the rhetoric? Listen to some of the leaders in this movement. I’m not talking about the folks who are peacefully assembling, nor am I talking about people who are honestly grieving and understandably angry. I’m talking about the people who would, with no respect for anyone, take a horrible situation and turn it to their personal advantage. THEIR personal advantage.

Understand – they don’t ask for dialogue. They don’t sit down with leaders. They don’t ask for donations to the families. They don’t ask for statues to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

They are asking for violence. They are asking for people to join THEIR cause.

baltimore official

Shouldn’t we be questioning policies of incompetence no matter the race of the leaders?

How does that respect victims by creating more victims?

How did burning down the buildings in Ferguson or Baltimore solve one thing? Especially when most of the victims of the damages in those cities were MINORITY owned businesses? Or those who would provide services to the elderly or minorities? May I ask a question about this? How does burning or looting a minority owned business bring back a slain boy? How does destroying another Black person’s livelihood help Freddie Gray? Why not peacefully gather and decide to elect someone besides the incompetents who were in charge of Ferguson or Baltimore?

How about looking at the people who are in charge of your area, the rules and laws and question how those people and their policies didn’t do any good for you no matter the color of their skin?

Understand this – writing more laws won’t solve the violence. Murder has been illegal forever. The same people who behave in a sub-human animalistic style on either side of this issue, those who don’t hesitate to murder someone are certainly not going to have one scintilla of doubt about owning a weapon illegally or burning down a hospital. You need to understand that the more you try to clamp down on these folks by affecting us all with gun laws or other regulations will only clamp down on the people who will care that the law is on the books.

The same people who would engender the violence laugh maniacally that society is panicking enough to disarm itself. The people who would illegally kill someone for a social security check or a pair of shoes, the same people who would willingly enslave another human to drugs for self profit, the same person who would harm someone for speaking counter to their cause – they would stop at nothing no matter what laws you put in place. They love the fact that there are people out there willing to stop at nothing to enslave and lock you into the depressive cycle of being dependent on government help – you’ll much more likely to need something to help escape your miserable reality. Drugs, alcohol or whatever.

Remember  how the Mafia gained so much power. Bad times and providing illegal goods and services to help a person feel better about themselves, even if for just a moment – in a very bad time. There are people who will take advantage of anything to gain personal power or pride for themselves. I’d be a lot more likely to believe people who are speaking out about this if they weren’t gathering followers to themselves or gaining financially. I would be a lot more likely to respect them if they didn’t sound like so many other leaders in the past who have abused others in pain to gain for themselves.

We need to take a hard look at how we are teaching our kids. Teaching anger and hate is only going to increase the divide. Teaching intolerance for white people is as bad as teaching intolerance for Jews or black people. The leaders who are hoping you’ll do this to your kids are asking you to turn your own children into thugs. Thugs that harm others due to the thing that you yourself hate about people who hate you due to your color.

Let me reiterate this – thugs are thugs.

Yes, thugs are still someone’s baby. And for those parents, I feel bad. But the people who are following these leaders blindly, those who are inciting the violence for their own gains, have to look at themselves in the mirror. Why do they feel that their viewpoints show respect when they teach their kids to hate society, laws and others because of their color. Don’t ask me to respect you when you would put yourself and others above the rest of us due to something that makes you think you’re superior to us.

White people shouldn’t feel that due to their lack of melanin in their skin they are superior, but neither should #AllLivesMatter be an issue for Black leaders.

If #AllLivesMatter is an issue for leaders that you follow, maybe you should swallow your anger long enough to realize you are being led by someone who doesn’t respect the cause in your heart. They aren’t leading in a responsible or godly manner. They aren’t being human – they are being narcissistic – and really?

If you want your cause to be solved?

Take the power away from those who would do your cause more harm than good.

Stop following them.


Doesn’t this picture bring back memories of similar salutes from the past? Salutes of superiority? Salutes of defiance?

Don’t the raised fists that you are witnessing seem eerily similar to other salutes from the past?

Ghandi, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King would be ashamed of these inflammatory people who are after nothing more than personal aggrandizement.

Why are you giving people the power in your life that is just advocating the exact same evil behavior that you hate from the other side?

Why do two wrongs equal justice?

This is like listening to an arms dealer slamming a peace conference, all the while selling guns to both sides and chuckling at the people who are so naive.

And on top of that, you have a “great unifier” who won’t act like a unifier. A “great leader” who is afraid to lead because he doesn’t want to anger people on one side of an issue because of political considerations.

A “unifier” who won’t mourn or speak when people who are depending on him as a leader, a leader of the whole country white or black, to calm the situation and attempt to stop the madness before it gets worse. A leader who won’t come out and speak to the masses who are angry or who look up to the same leader as a leader of their message. A leader who won’t try to work with both sides to create a solution. A leader who won’t stop the slaughter on either side of this issue before it becomes a very feared race war. A unifier who is willing to watch the anger divide. A unifier who is willing to facilitate the division in order to do what? Make us stronger?

The President is a leader of all people in this country, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic. It doesn’t matter. He should be the leader of #AllLivesMatter. He should prove himself a great leader and use the bully pulpit to tell people who are angry “stop killing, stop the violence – we are bringing people to the table to fix this” and then bring the people to the table to do that. Where is the First Lady with her commercials? Where are the First Couple’s selfie memes to stop the death and destruction?

The question one would ask is why a leader who would be so interested in a legacy for himself, like most Presidents are, not step up and stop the streets from running red with blood and stop the

Where is the President - the leader of ALL the people? Why isn't he being more vocal about stopping all this?

Where is the President – the leader of ALL the people? Why isn’t he being more vocal about stopping all this?

cities from burning? Another might be – how does it serve anyone to have police who enforce the laws of the majority of society slaughtered unless you are hoping for a degradation of society? Is it possible that if enough blood hits the pavement that martial law might become necessary? Is ultimate power in this country the prize? The prize of being able to suspend liberties or elections due to violence and rioting? Is that too much of a reach by someone who has gone against the law in the office that is supposed to be the supreme law enforcer of the country? Is that too much of a reach by someone who has, by some reports, mentioned a third term – a patently illegal third term?

Why wouldn’t the supreme law enforcer in this country come out in support of law enforcement officers in this country? The ones who are shot while *gasp* pumping their gas? The ones who are shot down while chasing people who would happily harm or kill you for your money, goods or sex? Do you really want a lawless society? Anarchy?

Why wouldn’t someone who leads us all care about the victims of Black violence as much as the victims of White violence, as is proper?

Makes you wonder about motives, since he’s had the opportunity.

Mr. President – prove you’re a leader of all by stepping up to the plate and working to stop the violence. Take a stand and let’s work this thing out without any more of this thuggish behavior on either side. If you lead, people will follow.

The question many of us will make sure stains your legacy if you don’t is this: “Why did you walk away when you could have really made a difference for all your people?”

What is lost respect? Why am I starting back up in a new chapter of my political life?

Frankly, I see an underlying cause to many things that are making our world feel like it’s going to hell in a handbasket.

A lack of respect.

I was a part of the lack of respect in a way because I was a political screamer.

But we can track problems from racism to lack of customer service to one main problem. A lack of respect.

I’ll go about trying to to get the point across and offer real world solutions and debate regarding a large multitude of issues that come across my twitter feed, television and email every day.

I encourage discussion.

One thing I ask for – respect as a commentator who has an opinion on subjects just like you who disagree do. Much of what I talk about is based on my core beliefs, which are as sacrosanct to me as your beliefs are to you.

I won’t try and kick you in sensitive spots I just to score points and avoid something you bring up that has some validity if you don’t. We may just have to disagree on certain things.

I won’t shout at or make fun of people who offer real intellectual discussion. All I ask is the same from commentors.

I really want to engage and enjoy talking with folks who disagree as well as agree with me.

I won’t answer gotcha comments or comments that descend into gutter speak, nor will I bother with insults thrown my way.

After all, you’ll prove my point – that people who show an innate lack of respect are not only counter productive but destructive to intelligent solutions.

I’m sure you who decide to read this blog and interact will get plenty of opportunities to see real life examples of the problems we face if we hope to bring this country back from gotcha politics, insanity in the courts, people who feel that rudeness is the only way to get things accomplished and that nice people finish last.

From politicians who betray their word when they get elected, things they’re doing when they could be accomplishing tasks to really help people, to rude behavior we see from bosses, customers, drivers, or just people we bump into.

From kids who show zero respect because they were never taught anything remotely resembling respect to looking at special interests who’s only interest truly seems to be money, we’ll take a deep look at items torn from today’s news.

Stay tuned…. we’re going to open some eyes and hopefully change minds.

Please feel free to chime in in the comments about items you’d like to read about and people you’ve heard about that bring the whole idea into perspective that the degeneration of this country is founded entirely upon lack of respect.

I would challenge folks to come up with bad things or behaviors they feel have nothing to do with lack of respect, and I’ll try to tie it in and show how many, many things tie into lack of self respect, lack of respect for property, life or other people.

Maybe if we make this a large enough discussion, we can make a difference.